Sunday, June 1, 2008


Angela Yiu & Edelweiss Cheung Are 'Best Pirates'
1 June 2008 - Emma Lam -
The twelve Miss Hong Kong finalists took part in a pirate-themed fashion show parade on board The Enchantment of the Seas cruise liner on Friday evening. They showed off their outfits as they introduced the sights and sounds of Hong Kong to over a hundred guests in the audience.

The captain and his guests then voted for their favourite pirate and Number 3 Edelweiss Cheung was selected as the audience's favourite, whilst Number 8 Angela Yiu was chosen by the ship's captain.

During the performance, the ladies used props to introduce features of Hong Kong life and overseas student Edelweiss was among the better performers with her strong grasp of English. Others who did well included the overseas recruitment candidate Number 7 Hilda Leung and Masters graduate Number 5 Jovy Leung. Hilda used a glowstick to represent the speed of eating, walking and working in Hong Kong and raised much applause from the crowd.

Contest favourite Number 4 Samantha Ko did not do so well in her presentation that introduced the market in Ladies Street. She was extremely nervous and spoke in broken English. She admitted that she had changed her script beforehand to compensate for her poor language skills, so this made it flow less well. However, she added that she will continue to learn and improve.

Angela did some thorough preparation with her new year sweet box, but it was probably her figure and s-shaped pose more than her speech that won the skipper over. Asked if she felt that she was exaggerating her poses too much, she replied that she has been a professional model for eight years now so she knows how she should strike a pose. She added that the girls often share advice with each other so she is not afraid of any misunderstanding.

Edelweiss commented later that she was extremely nervous on stage and had to take deep breaths to calm herself down.

As the build up to the contest finals continues, TVB have now published the contestant profiles on their website and a number of fansites have also followed supporting their favourite beauties.

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